Servicios Textiles

Ofrecemos bordados personalizados y artículos textiles de alta calidad para diversas aplicaciones y necesidades.

Bordados Personalizados

Creamos diseños únicos en telas, combinando técnicas tradicionales y modernas para productos excepcionales.

A person wearing a white long-sleeve garment is working on a textile project. They hold a pair of scissors, trimming threads on a loom where a detailed pattern with earthy tones is being created. Vivid pink yarn is visible alongside a black plastic bag.
A person wearing a white long-sleeve garment is working on a textile project. They hold a pair of scissors, trimming threads on a loom where a detailed pattern with earthy tones is being created. Vivid pink yarn is visible alongside a black plastic bag.
Compra y Venta

Distribuimos una amplia gama de productos textiles, colaborando con diseñadores y fabricantes para su satisfacción.

Artículos Decorativos

Ofrecemos manteles, cortinas y cojines, todos elaborados con atención al detalle y calidad superior.
Intricate white embroidery featuring floral and swirl patterns on a slightly translucent fabric. The embroidery is detailed and delicate, creating a sophisticated and elegant texture.
Intricate white embroidery featuring floral and swirl patterns on a slightly translucent fabric. The embroidery is detailed and delicate, creating a sophisticated and elegant texture.
An arrangement of colorful embroidery thread skeins encircles a circular embroidery hoop with a white cloth. The threads are in various shades including pink, purple, green, orange, and blue. Several bobbins of thread are visible, as well as two embroidery needles placed on the cloth within the hoop.
An arrangement of colorful embroidery thread skeins encircles a circular embroidery hoop with a white cloth. The threads are in various shades including pink, purple, green, orange, and blue. Several bobbins of thread are visible, as well as two embroidery needles placed on the cloth within the hoop.

Proyectos Textiles

Creamos bordados únicos y artículos textiles personalizados para ti.

a close up of a folded cloth on a table
a close up of a folded cloth on a table
Bordados Personalizados

Diseños únicos para cada ocasión y espacio en tu hogar.

Intricately embroidered flowers in various colors are sewn onto a light fabric. The flowers include shades of pink, blue, and orange, each with detailed stitching and black accents resembling seeds or pollen. Green leaves and stems are also embroidered, adding a natural element to the design.
Intricately embroidered flowers in various colors are sewn onto a light fabric. The flowers include shades of pink, blue, and orange, each with detailed stitching and black accents resembling seeds or pollen. Green leaves and stems are also embroidered, adding a natural element to the design.
a bike parked next to a wall covered in blankets
a bike parked next to a wall covered in blankets
A stylized embroidery design featuring a large red flower with intricate stitching and detailing. The flower is accompanied by several monochrome leaves in black and white. An elaborate ornamental border in red and yellow runs vertically, adding an elegant touch.
A stylized embroidery design featuring a large red flower with intricate stitching and detailing. The flower is accompanied by several monochrome leaves in black and white. An elaborate ornamental border in red and yellow runs vertically, adding an elegant touch.
Textiles Decorativos

Ofrecemos una variedad de productos textiles para embellecer tu vida.